Adriana Guardiola-Juarbe is a designer and thinker from Puerto Rico. 

She has 2 years of study in architecture and obtained her diploma in Design. A field that she considers closer in scale to human interactions. Given her academic background, Adriana acknowledges that design is a cross-disciplinary field where collaboration is of the essence. 

Her experience varies from identity, branding, digital, print, environmental graphics, signage and wayfinding, and packaging, to name a few. 

Her process is not systematic nor linear - all projects bring unique challenges and different partnership relationships. The process is what she enjoys the most and sees as an opportunity for exchanging ideas while creating something unique that will last.


Design Services

Art Direction

2D Animation

Branding / Identity / Naming



Digital Design

Environmental Graphics

Exhibition Graphics


Packaging Design

Website Design


+1 787 507 3633